

2018年01月24日 9810人阅读 返回文章列表

尊敬的各位同仁: 你们好! 热烈欢迎诸位同仁在阳光明媚的四月相聚上海,参加第二届中国小儿神经外科论坛。 继2008首届中国小儿神经外科论坛成功举办之后,由上海新华医院小儿神经外科、北京天坛医院小儿神经外科、复旦大学附属华山医院共同筹备的第二届中国小儿神经外科论坛隆重召开!本次会议同时承办世界小儿神经外科继续教育学习班及神经内镜操作培训班。 


在大会筹备的进程中,我们得到了来自全国各地乃至世界各地众多人士的热心帮助和支持,尤其是本次大会得到了世界小儿神经外科学会的大力支持。在此,我向各位热心协助的人士深表谢意!同时,也感谢各位与会人士的支持和投入,希望通过这次大会,能够凝聚诸位的力量,为中国小儿神经外科事业的远航加油! 此次大会盛逢上海世博会开幕之际,我衷心地祝愿大家在上海享受世博给我们带来的美好时光。 

2010中国小儿神经外科论坛组委会主席 上海新华医院小儿神经外科主任 马杰(签字) To My Dear Friends Dear Colleagues and Friends, I would like to extend my warm welcome for your attendance of the 2nd Chinese Pediatric Neurosurgery Forum in Shanghai! This forum is arranged and co-organized by Shanghai Xin-hua Hospital, Beijing Tian-tan Hospital and Shanghai Hua-shan hospital. This forum will simultaneously host the 2010 ISPN Continuing Education Course and 1st Shanghai International Neuroendoscopic Hand-on Workshop. This is a meeting of this scale is being held in China where panels of domestic experts, famous scholars as well as leading clinicians in the field of pediatric surgery exchange ideas with their foreign counterparts, hoping that the pediatric neurosurgery in China can be more developed and geared into international standards. Here, we would like to express our gratitude to member of the panel and other attendees for their generous support and help. Finally, with my deepest gratitude to any enthusiastic assistance of successful holding of the forum, we are hoping, through this forum, the field of Pediatric Neurosurgery in China will reach a new era achievement. 此次大会盛逢上海世博会开幕之际,我衷心地祝愿大家在上海享受世博给我们带来的美好时光。 Sincerely yours, Dr. Jie Ma(sign)